Churchill Avenue News, Edition 19

Campus Report - Sacred Heart

19 April 2024

This year has flown by and our first term is already over!

There was a lot happening in Term 1, and Term 2 will build on that at our Sacred Heart Campus. There have been quite a few excursions happening at Sacred Heart, with the VCE VM class attending the Grand Prix as one of the most recent excursions. Here the students get to learn outside of the classroom and bring those learnings back into the their subjects. The school musical for 2024, ‘The Wizard of Oz’ has been cast and rehearsals are underway. There are many SH students from years 10-12 involved in this and we look forward to seeing all the hard work pay off later in the year in the final production. In the sporting arena there have been students out at SACC’s events and both the teachers and students put in many hours of training in preparation for these competitions. We had the athletics day on Friday 22nd of March where many students were able to be involved in many track and fields events. Congratulations to all those who participated and to all who cheered them on.

In Term 1 we also farewelled our loved and respected Principal, Mr Robert Brennan, after a short illness. His funeral was a beautiful celebration of his life which was very special and extraordinary. I was very proud of the number of Sacred Heart students, both past and present, that attended and the guard of honour was very fitting and beautiful to see. We miss his presence at 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Chisolm and continue to pray for his family.

There are lots of events happening in Term 2 and we look forward to seeing parents and students at these days.

We have the Mother’s Day Mass and Breakfast on Friday 10th May, Open Day Sunday 19th May, Parent Teacher Subject Conferences Wednesday 15th May and of course Sacred Heart Day celebrations at the end of Term 2.

I look forward to all that lies ahead in Term 2 for the staff, students and families of Sacred Heart.

Molly Coyne

Director of Sacred Heart Campus